GSA Connect

GSA Connect is a service provided to GSA members as an online medium to ask questions and share knowledge within the professional community. Opinions and views expressed within the communities are solely those of the author and do not represent the GSA.

Please do:

  • use the listserves to share knowledge, build your reputation as an expert
  • include your name and affiliation in postings
  • be polite and respectful in your posts and replies
  • keep it clean (i.e., no profanity or obscenity)
  • give credit where credit is due by citing your sources
  • search before posting a question, it may have been answered already
  • report illegal or inappropriate postings you find within a community to or (202) 842-1275

Please don't:

  • talk about fees, it invites charges of violating antitrust laws
  • share Confidential Client Information
  • post defamatory, abusive, threatening, offensive or illegal materials - don't post anything you don't want the public to see
  • post promotional messages (e.g., products/services, job postings, firm/business acquisitions, programs not affiliated with GSA)
  • post unnecessary messages to the whole group; instead, send appreciative notes directly to the sender rather than posting to the whole group
  • send angry, critical, sarcastic or emotionally charged messages

The GSA will:

  • create new forums as requested when there is sufficient interest by members
  • monitor forum postings and respond to user complaints about specific postings
  • remove a posting if it violates the code of conduct
  • remove a member from a forum who continues to violate the code of conduct after receiving a warning
  • occasionally display, copy, publish and distribute information posted within the forums for the purposes of marketing and encouraging member usage

The GSA doesn't:

  • edit postings
  • pay for postings to GSA Connect
  • review postings for technical accuracy

If you have questions, suggestions or problems using GSA Connect, please contact the GSA website department at or (202) 842-1275.